5 October 2024

The Magical Table

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, two poor brothers lived. Working hard day and night on their tiny farm, they barely scraped by. One sunny afternoon, while plowing, they stumbled upon an old, magical table buried under the earth.

The Brothers' Wish

Tired from their endless toil, the brothers made a heartfelt wish. Dreaming of a life filled with joy and riches, they wished upon the table. With a shimmer and a shake, the table granted their wish, turning their humble farm into a magnificent estate.

The Table's Condition

Yet, this magical table had a tricky condition. On every full moon, it would magically appear in their dining room, demanding a sacrifice – their firstborn child. Fearful, the brothers swore to break this dreadful curse.

The Brothers' Plan

With determination in their hearts, the brothers set off to find a solution. Tales had reached them of a wise old man in the forest, who might have the answer to their woes.

The Wise Old Man

After a long journey, the brothers met the old man and shared their story. He listened intently, then spoke of a magical creature, the Gold-Ass, which could aid them. He warned, though, that the creature was sly and would challenge their wits.

The Gold-Ass

Undeterred, the brothers ventured forth to find the Gold-Ass. When they met, the creature posed a puzzling riddle. With cleverness and unity, the brothers solved it, earning the creature's aid.

The Cudgel in the Sack

Guided by the Gold-Ass, the brothers discovered a hidden treasure. With this newfound wealth, they built a grand mansion, living in bliss. Yet, they always kept a cudgel in a sack, ready for the Wishing-Table's return.

The Table's Demand

As the full moon rose, so did the Wishing-Table, demanding its due. But this time, the brothers were prepared, confronting it with the cudgel in the sack.

The Table's Surprise

Angry and taken aback, the table threatened vengeance. But the brothers, with their wealth and the Gold-Ass's support, outsmarted the table, banishing it for good.

The Brothers' Triumph

From then on, the brothers and their kin lived in joy, their victory over the curse a story passed down through generations, a testament to their bravery and wit.

The Brothers' Plan

Off they went, early next morning, with hope in their hearts and a spring in their steps. Rumors had spread far and wide about an old man in the forest, known for his wisdom and magical prowess. "He might know how to outsmart the Wishing-Table," they mused, considering every step as a step closer to their child's safety.

The Wise Old Man

After a journey filled with twists and turns, and a little bit of getting lost, they found him. Nestled in a clearing, surrounded by ancient trees, sat the wise old man. With a voice as gentle as the breeze, he listened to their tale of woe. "Ah, the solution lies not in fighting the table," he said, stroking his beard thoughtfully, "but in seeking allies in unexpected places."

The Gold-Ass

"Seek out the Gold-Ass," he instructed, "hidden within the Enchanted Forest. But beware, for it's as clever as it is magical." With renewed determination, the brothers ventured deeper into the forest, where shadows whispered and trees seemed to watch. Finally, they came upon the Gold-Ass, its eyes gleaming with mischief. "Solve my riddle," it challenged, "and I shall grant you my aid."

The Cudgel in the Sack

With wits as sharp as their resolve, the brothers solved the riddle. In gratitude, the Gold-Ass revealed a secret chamber filled with treasures unimaginable. Among them lay a simple sack. "This," it declared, "contains a cudgel that obeys your command. Use it wisely." With the cudgel in their possession, they returned home, richer not just in gold, but in allies and hope.

The Table's Demand

No sooner had the full moon risen than the Wishing-Table made its appearance, its demand echoing through the grand halls of their mansion. "Your promise, now," it demanded, its surface shimmering ominously. But the brothers, fortified by their adventures, stood firm, the sack in hand.

The Table's Surprise

Never had the Wishing-Table faced defiance. With a roar that shook the very foundation of the mansion, it prepared to unleash its fury. Yet, as the brothers opened the sack and the cudgel sprang to action, the table found itself at a loss. Here was a power it hadn't anticipated, a force beyond its ancient magic.

The Brothers' Triumph

Victorious, the brothers watched as the Wishing-Table vanished, its curse lifted, never to trouble them or their lineage again. Their home became a beacon of joy and safety, where laughter echoed and happiness thrived. And as years turned into decades, their tale of courage, of a magical table, a Gold-Ass, and a cudgel in a sack, was passed down, inspiring generations with the message that wit and bravery can overcome even the darkest of curses.

The Table's Demand

Under the glow of a full moon, as shadows danced across their grand mansion, the Wishing-Table made its grand entrance, just as it had promised. Its surface shimmered with an eerie light, and in a voice that echoed through the vast halls, it demanded the brothers' firstborn child. But this time, the brothers weren't caught off guard. With a glance shared between them, they brought forth the cudgel in the sack, their secret weapon against the table's dark demands.

The Table's Surprise

To say the table was taken aback would be an understatement. It had expected cries of despair, not the defiant stance of the brothers. Angry and threatening, it vowed to unleash its fury upon them. But the brothers, bolstered by the wisdom of the wise old man and the magic of the Gold-Ass, stood their ground. They knew they had one chance to outsmart the table and secure their family's safety forever.

The Brothers' Triumph

In a moment of intense bravery, the brothers swung the cudgel with all their might. The table, realizing too late it had underestimated them, vanished into thin air, its curse lifted at last. Cheers filled the mansion as the family embraced, their joy uncontainable. From that day forward, the brothers lived in peace, their tale of triumph over the Wishing-Table becoming a cherished story among their descendants, inspiring courage and ingenuity for generations to come.

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